
Average score 62 Reviews
Andrea Conti noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good food and courteous staff. (Original) Cibo buono e personale cortese.

4 months ago
Giulia B. noted on Reservation

Non do 5 stelle perché il servizio oggi è stato molto caotico con piatti serviti per errore e altri da noi ordinati mai portati a tavola o arrivati dopo un’ora.

4 months ago
David Ellis noted on Google

4 months ago
Graziella Maccioni noted on Google

4 months ago
Andrea Giannelli noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious food and absolute punctuality! (Original) Cibo buonissimo e puntualità assoluta!

4 months ago
Laura Guidi noted on Google

4 months ago
maria mantuano noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Purchased take-out food. Excellent food and friendly staff (Original) Acquistato cibo d'asporto. Pietanze ottime e personale cortese

5 months ago
Cristina “Cry” Orsi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food is excellent, the service and the place are excellent (Original) Si mangia benissimo, ottimo il servizio ed il luogo

5 months ago
Anisoara Orascu noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A beautiful restaurant, with a beautiful environment, everything I ate was good! (Original) Uno ristorante bello, con uno ambiente bellissimo, tutto che ho mangiato e buono!

5 months ago
Alessandro noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food, the nighiri melt in your mouth. The staff are smiling and helpful, perhaps a little slow even though the room is not very crowded. But with kindness and good food everything is forgiven (Original) Cibo molto buono, i nighiri si sciolgono in bocca. Il personale sorridente e disponibile, magari un po' lento nonostante non sia molto affollata la sala. Ma con la gentilezza e con il buon cibo si perdona tutto

6 months ago

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51010 Uzzano PT, Italia

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